Gather25 Logo Animation

    Join the movement to take the hope of

    Jesus to Everybody Everywhere

    The world needs the hope of Jesus now.

    I'm All In


    Join millions of Jesus followers united to pray expectantly, share boldly, and give radically. Together, we can carry the name of

    Jesus to the whole world.

    Gather 25 India

    Pray for 5

    Join the Pray for 5 initiative, a simple but powerful way to impact the world—one name at a time. When we pray for people by name, things begin to shift. Hearts soften, and God moves! Commit to praying for 5 people by name, and watch as we cover the earth in prayer.
    World Map


    The number of people prayed for by name.


    After praying and believing, share the Gospel with the people in your places! Sharing is faith in action, and our team made this video to open conversations with your people in your places. Use this tool to share Jesus with others and join the movement to bring hope to everybody, everywhere.


    The number of times the Gospel video has been shared.

    Send the Gospel Everywhere

    Giving echoes our prayers and our testimonies beyond where we are. Every gift advances the message of Jesus through four powerful alliances, united to bring real impact to the world.

    Together, we can take the Gospel to everybody, everywhere. In just one year, your $35/month partnership can:


    Plant one new church in an unreached village, bringing the gospel to those who have never heard it.


    Train four pastoral leaders in under-resourced areas with the tools they need to shepherd their community.


    Help three families emerge from extreme poverty each year through the support of their local church.


    Translate 12 verses of Scripture for people groups who do not have the Bible in their heart language.

    What Happens When We All Join In?

    Your action is transforming lives and advancing the Gospel worldwide. Every prayer and gift is directly sending the name of Jesus everywhere.



    Churches planted in regions where there is little or no existing gospel presence.

    Partner: ACHIEVE Alliance


    Experience Stories of God's Power
    Around the World

    It’s going to take all of us.

    The prayer of Everybody Everywhere is to mobilize the 2.5 billion Jesus followers to share His name with the 5.5 billion who don't yet know Him. This movement was born out of Gather25, a gathering of the global Church, and from there we are inviting every Christian to ask how they can play their part in the Great Commission. We gather to be reminded of how God is already moving, and we live in faith, knowing that together, we can see Jesus in our schools, workplaces, neighborhoods, and cities.
    Together, we can see Jesus reach the whole world.